Mr. PAL - I think if you provide valid or ANY reasons
to explain you positions ALONG WITH your positions
you would better served.

The first one is funny -if more people want
to buy something than want to sell it -
the price goes up. and since the supply
is fixed AND known to be large, that means theres more
DEMAND than before the prices went up.
How can you say that "lots" of people don’t
want them? That could only be true if
these lenses were rare but they are not
as about half of all PK lenses ever made are K/M type
which is very important data provided by YOU.
This is basic economics...

You think thousands of dollars or even hundreds of
thosands of dollars FOR THE COMPANY is expensive
for a very valuable feature THEY CAN SELL - not give
away. The cost per body to implement is far less
than the income dollars per body they can sell it for
IMHO. That’s not unreasonable, that’s how companies
make money. Develop features that cost less to develop
than they generate in revenue. This is basic business economics.

Your last comment is unsupported. What leads you
to believe this is the case? The exact number of K/M lenses
sitting around in closets unused is unknown
except for the fact we know its somewhere between
zero and roughly 9 million....But you are claiming
MOST of them are, WHY are you making that claim?
I certainly wouldn’t bet on that number as being


-----Original Message-----
From: Pål Jensen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2005 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: Camera engineering (was Re: Rename request)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "J. C. O'Connell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Im getting tired of arguing but in my
> experiences with ebay which are vast,
> the K/M lenses that are going for big
> bucks now have always gone for big bucks
> and most likely because there are lots
> of them WHERE YOU CANT BUY IT NEW(same specs)EVEN
> IT YOU WANTED TO. Thats one of the key
> reasons I feel that K/M support should continue

It doesn't mean that lots of people want  them. It only means that there are
more people that wants to buy them than those who sell them. Hardly anyone
wants these lenses.

> considering its not imcompatible and
> absurdly low cost to implement in 
> ANY Pentax SLR/DSLR. 

An argument  taken out of thin air. Implementing this feature is expensive
and will cost the company thousands if not hundreds of thosands of dollars
to implement. 

>At least in one
> model, even if only the top line model
> once they have a line...There are too
> many LNA K/M lenses to disable over such
> a single cheap part ommisson...

There aren't many lenses is use. Most of them sit in people closets and
thats where they will stay....


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