In this case my experience says Bill is correct. If the subject looks dead center into the taking lens the eyes of the portrait will seem to follow the viewer around, but if they are just slightly off they will not. Portrait painters have used this optical illustion for centuries.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "keith_w"
Subject: Re: TLR cameras. Note topic change.

Which lens to look at?
Were you using a Gowlandflex, or what?
Seems to me, at normal portrait distance, you shouldn't be able to tell which lens the sitter was looking at!

You can tell if a subject is looking right down the barrel or just off to the side.
Try this sometime:
Have a person look right into the lens for one picture, then have them move their head just enough that they are looking at your shutter finger.
You'll see, the one shot just looks a bit off.

William Robb

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