What game are you reffering to? I was always
consistantly arguing for a real thing, K/M
AE supported DSLR even as a higher priced
model. That's not a game, that's my whole
point of commenting in the first place.
The game was the other posters who didn't
really have a good argument and then starting
doing crazy things to try to argue the unarguable.
I never did that either. I wasn't sucking anybody
into their behavior, it speaks for itself
and on their own initiative...That is a fair
characterization and I would like to remind
all that I repeatedly asked the personal attacks
to stop and they continually repeated with
no moderator intervention to stop it so don't
blame me for that either....

-----Original Message-----
From: Kostas Kavoussanakis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 6:32 PM
To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
Subject: Re: Camera engineering (was Re: Rename request)

On Fri, 23 Sep 2005, William Robb wrote:

> The 31 is available, but if you want to hold to an unrealistic notion 
> of fair
> pricing for new equipment, I can't help that.

Am I also going to get a lecture on free market and pricing? Tom was 
talking about equivalence.

And equivalence was not defined by Tom. Sure, you can pay 10-15 times 
as much as the K135/2.5 and get the 80-200/2.8 (if you have the muscle 
to lift it, but that's not the main point). Or you can get the 
FA135/2.8 for 3 times as much as the K. But they are not equivalent 
lenses in my book, other than that there is some FL correspondence.

Tom, a reason KEH has as many K/Ms is that they don't sell cheap. Or 
are you saying that the Limiteds they currently have in stock have not 
been snapped up because they are undesireable or obsolete or sth?

I think some people have been sucked too much into the argument with 
JCO and have perhaps lowered their arguments. The important thing for 
JCO to understand is that the game is over. If one feels they are hard 
done by, they can vote with their feet.


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