JCO Writes again while still waiting for needed response:
To Mr. William Robb-

I have repeatly asked these
two simple questions to you at the
near end of this thread an still
havent got a response. Your
lack of clear position warrants it:

1. Is a PENTAX DSLR model technically 
and  2. And (if 1. is yes) , financilly possible (built&
sold at higher cost/price than models
without it) that supports all PK lens features
(including K/M open aperture metering & AE)
on ALL PK lenses series or NOT?

Yes or No alone would be fine but you are welcome
to add comments and/or offer "Don't Know" answers...

Im waiting because if YOU and I
and everyone else don't
know your positon on these key
things in the context of this discussion,
it very confusing at best, and downright
illogical to for you to even continue
discussing it...WE NEED TO KNOW.


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