I would not recommend parking *anywhere* in the city during such an event.
BARTing is very worth it.  How big is this lens that you can't carry it?

Well, the 250-600/f5.6 is 12lbs just by itself, and of course
there's a tripod needed as well.  Plus I've got the 300/2.8.
And, of course, whatever I need for other shooting.

I can get everything except the tripod into the Pelican 1620.
Perhaps if I make do with the monopod I'll settle for that.
It's not exactly inconspicuous for street shooting, though.

Dude, with a lens like that 250-600, you don't need to be inconspicuous -- you could photograph people from two blocks away!

John Celio



AIM: Neopifex

"Hey, I'm an artist. I can do whatever I want and pretend I'm making a statement."

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