I shoot a variety of film. My two SuperProgram's are using Delta 400 now, my RB67 uses a mix of FP4+ and Delta 100, and for Macro work (Pentax auto bellows) I'm starting to use Pan F+.

I'm also investing in a film scanner soon, and I don't think I'll ever go the DSLR route. Why? If I shoot film today, and scan it in a 2700 DPI scanner, five years from now when I can afford a 5000 DPI scanner I can *rescan at 5000 DPI*. If I shoot digital today at 6.2 MP, five years from now when I can afford a 12 MP DSLR, I can't reshoot the photos I've already shot at 6.2 MP.

Film makes sense; it provides a nice baseline against the ever-changing landscape of digital darkroom technologies. :)


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