Tom Reese wrote:

keith_w wrote:

One LLL is the LL Rad Lab. I don't know what the other one is called.
The Rad Lab did all manner of weapons research, as I recall, and all
highly classified...

So let me get this straight. You know what they did in the top secret lab
but you have no idea what they did in the other one or even what it was

You're right. It is confusing.

Tom Reese

Let me elucidate...

I worked for another company up there, Aerojet General Nucleonics, that did a lot of classified work, and one of my tasks was to interface with and perform work for the Rad Lab. I didn't actually set foot in any of their buildings, nor was I ever personally affiliated with them in any way. I worked for my immediate AGN boss and took direction from him, but it was up to HIM to be the interface/intermediary...

So, if there was another name for some other division or subsidiary of the Livermore Labs, I didn't know about it. No need to!
We dealt with "need to know" a LOT in those days...

keith whaley

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