Hmm. I don't find the focusing feel of the A35/2.8 to be much better or worse than the FA35/2, same goes for the FA50 vs the A50 f/1.4. But I know it's a matter of opinion and preference. Whatever suits you.

I tend to prefer new lenses myself, and find the AF potential to be a plus.


On Sep 30, 2005, at 10:24 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

Because the 20mm, and the 15mm if I should get one, would be used on older, mechanical, manual bodies, and I much prefer the focus feel on such lenses to the feel of manually focusing an AF lens. The Ltd lenses are somewhat of an exception, as their focus feel (and focusing ring) are acceptable. Plus, the difference in price between a used 20mm A and a new 20mm FA is about $100.00 - $200.00, money which I could put to better use than giving
to B&H for an FA version.

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