You talk about "confronting it" as though there is actually some kind of problem. I'll let you into another secret. Just because Herb Chong says there's a problem doesn't mean there is one. This is all just a lot of hot air. (In my opinion, and there are no facts here, which is why it's such a pointless discussion.)

Anyway, I think we've done this to death as well. I'm trying to go through some pictures at the moment in the hope there'll be something worth posting.


On Sun, 02 Oct 2005 22:18:04 +0100, Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 2/10/05, John Forbes, discombobulated, unleashed:

I'll tell you a secret.  I'm going to die!  You, too.

Do we worry about it?  No.  We just go on until it happens.  Is that
"pretending", or is it being pragmatic and not worrying about something
one has no control over?

Doesn't mean we can't discuss it. In fact discussions about death are
amongst the most thought-provoking of all topics. To confront a thing is
to try and understand it as best one can.


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