So, they are up an operational?

You are correct, eventually all serious digital camera makers will have to have their own fab capability or they will not be able to compete with Canon. And BTW, for those who say Pentax can not afford a fab (I do not agree with that. Venture capital is always available.), you do not necessarily need to own one, you can lease production time from one owned by someone else.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Mark Roberts wrote:

Adam Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tom Reese wrote:
Pentax is reportedly making their own sensors. That should give them a price
advantage with their new digital SLRs.
Since when.

Over a year, at this point.
Pentax is an Optics company not a semi-conductor company, but does not have access to a chip fab as far as I'm aware.

Every digital camera manufacturer that doesn't now make their own
sensors is currently working toward being able to do so. Pentax among
them. Supposedly Pentax's CMOS sensor will be going into the ist-D

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