Some more really good shots Christian. Good subjects, light, exposures.
Just wondering -
   +was this your first workshop? If yes, why did you decide to attend one?
   +why did you choose Downing?
   +did you consider the fee worth what you got?
   +would you do it again?

Just curious.
I've attended many week long workshops and have always considered them money well spent for the learning experience & shooting locations (I don't have the time to scout out where to be & when).

Kenneth Waller

----- Original Message ----- From: "Christian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 4:57 PM
Subject: Cape May report and 3 more birds

Just a (not very brief) note on my avian photography workshop with Greg Downing in Cape May, New Jersey last week. BONUS: three new images! (comments appreciated)

I arrived in Cape May (4 hour drive from my home in Maryland) on Wednesday around 4:30pm, checked into the hotel and met Greg. That evening I went across the street to the beach for some last-light photography. After dinner, the 10 photographers met with Greg and his assistant Heather for a slide show and presentation about the birds we were likely to see and the techniques we'd most likely use to approach and photograph them. We were also given a tentative shooting schedule.

Thursday we met at 6am on the beach, just before sunrise and Greg demonstrated the use of the "skimmer" ground pod (basically a round dish-shaped camera support where a ball-head or gumball head can be attached; I built my own from a heavy aluminum frying pan and my big studioball!). Most of the photography over the two days was conducted crawling on our bellies..... As the sun started to come up, we located the huge flocks of skimmers on the beach and began to approach and photograph them. Later, terns and gulls joined the mix as well as smaller shore birds. At 9am we gave up as the light became to harsh and had breakfast. We then took a break, had lunch, downloaded images, whatever and met again at 3pm for another session at a different beach. The weather had deteriorated and it rained a bit but then cleared. Lots of little shore birds were found and photographed as well as more gulls.

That evening we watched a short slideshow of some of Greg's bird images which was followed by critiques of our work (we each had to bring 10 of our best images to the workshop; not stuff shot there). I had the honor of following Greg's amazing work. Lucky me.... My images were actually well received especially the cormorant in the tree, the flying gull and the willets and

Friday we had the morning session on the beach again, where I was able to find and photograph a ruddy turnstone and a herring gull The herring gull was shot with Greg's 600mm and 1.4x TC. OH MY GOD!

Friday mid-day we learned about flash photography and how to better use the flash-extenders/better-beamers and the advantages of manual flash over TTL. Friday afternoon it was more photography on the beach where I was able to finally catch skimmers skimming.

I learned a ton in 2 days during the workshop. Greg Downing is extremely knowledgeable both about birds and how to photograph them. I was able to get closer to my subjects using his techniques than I was in the past and I learned a lot about patience in waiting for the birds to come to me. I also learned "tricks" to ensure sharpness and, by looking at his examples, what to look for to make an interesting shot. The two days was well worth the cost.

Funny story: Imagine a group of about 10 photographers with huge lenses trained on a group of birds just yards away on a public beach. A curious passerby walks up to one of said photogs and asks: "What are you taking pictures of?" Heather dared me to say: "Brad and Angelina are vacationing in a hotel across the street. We're waiting for them to come out."

Just a rundown of the other participants gear (as I remember it):
5x Canon 1DmkII
1x Canon 1Ds
3x Canon 20D
1x Nikon D2X
1x Nikon 600/4
2x Canon 600/4
2x Canon 500/4
3x Canon 400/5.6
1x Canon 300/2.8
1x Canon 300/4 (mine, suffering serious lens envy...)

Greg and Heather used 1DmkII bodies; Greg had a 600/4 and Heather a 500/4.


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