Well, frank, I signed back on the list early (I was going to stay off another 
week, and, no I haven't finished what I wanted to yet), just to wish you a 
get well quick.

Been checking the archive periodically (mainly for news of the NorCal PDML 
meet) and saw this thread.

Major bummer. I swear there are more crazies on the road every year. And most 
people don't see bikes. For instance, driving (not biking) in California 
these days is more of a thrill than I like. Actual biking might be a bit insane 
here. :-)

I've never broken a major bone, just some toes (not all at the same time). 
Personally,  I am not into pain. So take those Tylenol and rest and do what you 
can to stay out of pain.

Very glad you wore the helmet and are okay otherwise. Hope you heal quick.

Can't have bad motorists wiping out one of the good guys (hmmm, not a white 
hat, white bunny ears -- but same diff.)

Marnie aka Doe ;-)

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