I would never ever put it that short and accurate,
Graywolf, thanks!

--- graywolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Now, Pentax. Well, Pentax became famous because the
> Beatles used them. 
> Pentax had no idea what to do with that fame. And
> soon the fame died 
> out, leaving them the seller of the cheapest manual
> SLR that college 
> students used for their photography courses, selling
> it at the end of 
> the semester and buying a Nikon or Canon if they
> stayed with 
> photography, and not much else. Their only real
> claim being that they 
> were run by engineers, for engineers. Then they
> fired all the engineers 
> and hired MBA's. For awhile they had a mailing list
> where the dwindling 
> crowd of enthusiasts hung out, but that enthusiasm
> scared them so bad 
> they dumped it, and one of the enthusiasts took it
> over. Now there are a 
> bunch of anti-enthusiasts hanging out there shouting
> "Pentax is doomed".
> graywolf
> http://www.graywolfphoto.com
> "Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"
> -----------------------------------

Albano Garcia
Photography & Graphic Design


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