afaik, the pledge is being recited not by grown up adults, but kids,
who are usually very easily pressured into conformity with "majority".
i seriously doubt that a 8 years old can possibly meaningfully excercise
his "right to not participate it" when everybody else in his class does.

saying "no one is forcing them" it is hypocrisy. kinda like nobody was forcing
kids in ussr to join pioneer and komsomol organizations. whoever is
claiming that
is full of shit.


On 10/18/05, Tom C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree with your statement Frank, it's a technicality but it's missing the
> point, I believe.  I know someone will likely beg to differ.
> Let's take one case the ACLU is involved with... to the best of my
> recollection.  The case in California (I believe... I'm typing from memory
> not the transcript), where an athiest has sued a school district  because
> his elementary school age daughter is made to feel uncomfortable when the
> Pledge of Alegiance is said because it contains the phrase 'under God'.
> Now the way I see it, no one is forcing the child to say the 'pledge'.  No
> one is forcing the child to put her hand over her heart.  No one is forcing
> her to believe in God.  No one is forcing the child to accept a particular
> doctrinal point of view or put her name on a church enrollment.
> Why should the majority be forced to change for this one little girl?  Is
> this the only and last time in life she will be confornted with views or
> actions that are at odd with her own beliefs. It's laughable. Should
> everyone be forced to conform to to this one child's (likely father's)
> sensitivities?
> It's an example of how wrong-headed and upside down things have become.
> Tolerance is supposed to work in both directions, isn't it?
> Tom C.
> From: frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Re: More Texas Photo Issues
> Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 09:17:06 -0400
> On 10/17/05, Tom C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >
>  > Yeah, it could be argued... From where I sit, it's the people that want
> 'no
>  > rules whatsoever', that always argue their rights are being violated,
> when
>  > in fact they are violating the rights of the majority.  The ACLU is a
> prime
>  > example of an organization that tramples on the rights of the majority.
>  > Yes, I believe minorities have rights...
> in a free and democratic society, the "majority" (whoever they may be
> and however they may be ascertained) can have no rights.
> only individuals have rights.
> -frank
> --
> "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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