anyway. if you seriously think that kids of that age have ability to
form an *indepent*
opinion about things like religion, and take a stand for it... i guess
the kids here
are a *lot* more mature than we used to be -- it took me about  30 years to
reach that level.


It may not be a totally independent opinion, but it doesn't mean they cannot take a strong stand for it because they believe it is right. The 'spiritual capacity' of young children is actually quite strong and likely, having been guided by their parents they have been able to internalize those same feelings and commitments. *Overall* intellectual maturity has less to do with it than does the fact that they have received the training at a tender age.

A non-religious example... parents may teach their children that smoking and drug abuse is undesirable and/or harmful. The child has no prior experience with either, yet can offer steadfast resistance to pressure from others to engage in that activity. Both because they believe it is wrong, and because they want to please their parents.

Tom C.

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