In a democracy all voices are equal.
In a representative republic majority rules.
As a result dissenting voices cry about being "disenfranchised".
Sometimes it's true; sometimes not.  
The facts of any disenfranchising situation should outweigh the 
sounds we hear and should thus determine the appropriate response.

It's not unreasonable for any nation to ask of its citizens to pledge
We have an exception -- religious conscience -- in our 1st Amendment.

The situation in the US right now is a bubbling mess.  The Left is
its concensus to reform the revolutionary spirit of the 1960s.  With that
emphasis they are vilify the competition.  Listening to them, all of the
"conservative" voices are likened to Nazis and any evangelical voice is
made out to be a cry for a "theocracy".  So the lies and manipulations are
well-formed and of a broad concensus in the Left's media efforts these days.

Ed Schultz and Randi Rhoads are notable in this broadcast effort.
Ed frequently uses the Nazi assocations, talking about "Field Marshall
von Rumsfeld" and Randi does not criticize violent rhetoric.

I choose simple constitutional liberty.


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