William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "Gonz" Subject: Re: More Texas Photo Issues

Thanks, luck helps, but democracy takes work too.

To bad you don't live in one.

Not exactly, but close enough. Its still malleable enough. We had an oppressive "robin hood" law here that attempted to take from the "rich" school districts and give to the "poor". It didn't do anything more than create another beauracracy. It was overturned, by a lawsuit initiated by the people. If people dont like laws, they *can* be changed or removed. It happens here in the good ole state of TX all the time.

Canada has just as stupid of a system of laws and officials (I'm not assuming that you are ignorant of this, I assume you know this already). I once spent 4 hours in Ottawa trying to get through customs because some dolt did not like the "computer" I was taking in for a demo to a company in Ottawa and wanted me to post an import bond for this thing. As if I wanted to sell the damn thing. The real value was in the software, which the user could download off our website. The computer was taken because it was pre-loaded with the software we were selling, which retailed at more than $200,000 (the software). Next time we just took a CD with us, even though it was a big hassle having to install it at the customer site, it was less of a hassle than dealing with the brain dead Canadian customs officials and regulations.

William Robb

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