> 1.) Where in the excerpt of mine that you quoted did
> I even come close to saying that the MZ-S has
> "Functions that [I] neither want or need, and that
> [I] won't use in a million years." Go ahead. I can
> wait. 

OK, call off the dogs. I just felt like having a rant,
or two. Besides, I didn't quote you. Did you see any
quote-marks? I just felt in general people were buying
it, but not using many functions, when they would be
better suited to a camera with less functions.

> 2.) Don't you shoot with an MZ-30?
> You know, at least the other guys who claim the old
> cameras are better actually =use= the old cameras. 
> Being a manual camera snob while shooting with an
> MZ-30 pretty much shoots your snobbishness in the
> foot. 

I don't really like the MZ-30. It is too automated for
me. I rarely use the autofocus, or auto-exposure
modes. I would swap it for an LX anyday. Just can't
find an LX. I used my Spotmatic happily for 10 years,
until the meter broke. I went into a shop to buy an
off the camera lightmeter for my baby, and spotted the
brochure for the MZ-30. Eventually decided to get it,
but found it doesn't meet my needs. I don't even know
why I bought it, and I miss my darling, gorgeous
Spotmatic. I would go back to it in a flash if I could
get it fixed. I am even trying to fix it myself, as
the local camera shops have told me probably it can't
be fixed, and I have to pay NZ$40 freight just to find
out. The money is not so worrying as the thought of
letting my baby leave my hands.


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