Jody writes:So stuff it in your pipe and smoke it.
Jody you've been smoking something if you think you can get critically sharp 
photos (especially flowers) without using a tripod. You're dreaming pal. 
Either that, or you really have never seen critically sharp photos. You can 
take SNAPSHOTS of flowers hand held, maybe that's what you are talking about. 
You might even get reasonably sharp photos using 400 speed film in bright 
sunlight, but they won't look good. If that's what you like, then go for it. 
I myself like critically sharp photographs taken on slow speed highly 
saturated film. You can only do that with a tripod, pal. Don't kid yourself. 
Studies have shown again and again that a tripod makes all the difference in 
the world.   

In a message dated 7/17/01 12:18:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Why I won't be buying an MZ-S, and other ramblings with a rant at  the 
   Bollocks. I do most of my pics hand-held and very
 few are fuzzy. When they are, I usually thought at the
 time I should be using a tripod, but didn't have it
 with me because it is rather ungainly. Actually a vast
 proportion of shots where I thought I should use a
 tripod came out completely non-fuzzy.
   Try bending a tripod down to get a flower picture,
 which you are shooting at 1/500th anyway. Try telling
 me that photo needs a tripod. 90% of the time I shoot
 at at least 1/125th. I have been told you can
 generally handhold down to 1/60th, and I have had many
 sucesses below this. So stuff it in your pipe and
 smoke it.
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