Nice shot. You caught an interesting moment.

Seeing these pics from the SF outing has led me to a thought. I believe it's 
easier to take pictures of people in public places when you're accompanied by 
at least one other photographer. To oversimplify and exaggerate: Being part of 
a group taking photos means you're on a photo outing or you're doing this for 
some particular reason, therefore you're not just a pervert:-). Seriously, at 
least as part of a group you have the psychological support of others being 
intrusive right along with you. Perhaps it wouldn't work that way for everyone. 
But I find that it works that way for me.

> On Oct 26, 2005, at 1:17 AM, Marco Alpert wrote:
> > During our SF outing of a few weeks ago, Godfrey and I took a brief
> > afternoon caffeine break at one of the ubiquitous Starbucks, where
> > there is always stuff going on:
> >
> >
> You caught a very interesting sight line on that fellow! Nicely done,  
> very nicely.
> I think I'll have a few more photos from our gathering done today or  
> shortly. I've been rolling on a lot of work the past couple of weeks,  
> and writing up a storm. :-)
> Godfrey

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