Hello Tom,

When we get a whiner on the list, who basically spells doom and gloom
(what you did) it would be nice to see your credentials.  For
photographers, part of the credentials are your photos (skills).  If
you were a well known and respected photographer who made those
statements, maybe some would listen more.  Since you aren't, showing us
your wares would help your credibility.

If someone were to say that they have been using long lenses and
trying to track birds and just can't do it, but upon trying xxxx, they
could, there is a possible reason to switch.  But to just make a
blanket statement that one of the smallest camera companies can't
compete with the largest, so I can't recommend that to anyone, is a
statement I don't think is worth hearing (again and again and again).

So Pentax is smaller.  They weren't the last out of the gate with a
DSLR and have produced 3 to date.  If you look at the trend for all
players except Canon, they are downgrading their bodies.  I think
there are two reasons.  One is that the low end is a high growth area.
The second is because there are no sensors available to make a
mid-level body.  Since to date, Sony has been the supplier for the
others, there has been a big hold in the middle where an 8-10mp sensor
would be.  So the manufacturers wouldn't want to release yet another
6mp camera in the middle level - they have been waiting for the new

Pentax has released 3 DSLRs and several lenses and has given a lens
roadmap and other indications of it's intentions.  It has now started
to work with Samsung as other companies have joined up.  So why are
they so different?  If you don't believe them or choose to recommend
another brand, so be it.  But if you bring it up on the Pentax
oriented list, expect to be countered.  I happen to never recommend
Canon.  I don't like their cameras and see them as a big company trying
to drive out all other competitors.  I don't care for the lack of
choice in the future.  Sort of like Wal-Mart.

If you have the right to come on the list and spew your doomsday
feelings, then I have the right to refute or disagree with them.  When
I steer someone to Pentax instead of Canon, I'm not going on the Canon
list to tell them that their Rebel feels cheap or has a crappy
viewfinder, etc.  I'm not jumping on a Minolta list to tell them that
I can't recommend their camera because I'm worried about their future
compared to Canon.

Sorry for the vent.

Best regards,

Wednesday, October 26, 2005, 1:40:45 PM, you wrote:

>>From: Bruce Dayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>There have been a some who comment negatively that I am still waiting
>>to see their work to show how they are unable to get the shots they
>>want because of lack of technology.  I suspect most are due to lack of
>>skill.  Those who have truly found the roadblock have purchased
>>another system.

TC> I'm surprised by that statement Bruce... how can you possibly speculate a
TC> judgement regarding someone's skill or lack thereof, based on unseen work?

TC> I would speculate that in some cases someone could not show you the shots
TC> they are unable to get because, well, they were not able to get them...

TC> The reactions of people on this list continue to mirror what happens with
TC> just about any topic in life (no surprise there).  Someone voices a
TC> differing opinion regarding Pentax and people rush to defend their own
TC> personal purchasing decisions, as if they themselves were the subject of
TC> attack.

TC> For me, it's not a matter of not getting the shots I want because of the
TC> technology, though for sure a larger buffer/faster throughput could help on
TC> rare occasions.  It's a matter of "will Pentax be there for me down the
TC> road?".  You don't know, I don't know, we all don't know.  It's not a matter
TC> of whether current Pentax gear functions well or well enough. It's a matter
TC> of "where will I spend future money?".  At least that's that's where I
TC> coming from.

TC> Tom C.

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