The ain't shutting down no line to make your A15, Tom. They put them together in a little job shop in the basement <grin>. In fact I would not be suprised to find out that they grind the lens elements on a numerically contolled grinder and polish them by hand. They probably haven't made enough 15mm's since 1975 to keep a serious production line busy for one day.

"Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Tom Reese wrote:

From what I understand, the Nikkor 6mm fisheye, the 13mm ultra-wide
and the 2000mm mirror lens were all custom made, after the customer placed
the order for the lens. If Nikon did some of their exotic lenses this way,
why not Pentax?

I suppose it's possible but I doubt it given their current lens
availability. I don't see them stopping production of the soon to be
released super wide zoom and whatever other current lenses they're producing
to go build a one off. I don't know a thing about their manufacturing
facilities. Maybe they don't do assembly line manufacturing and it's
relatively easy for them to do something like that. It's an interesting

Tom Reese

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