frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>well then, all those people here (not referring to you, rob) who
>constantly bitch and whine about pentax should shut the fuck up and go
>buy another camera system.  you're life will then be complete, and
>you'll be able to die happy.
>you can remain on this list and continue to be welcome, as have many
>defectors over the years.  christian, marnie, cotty, all come to mind,
>and i know i've forgotten quite a few.
>i just don't understand this "pentax doesn't make what i want, so i'm
>going to complain about it and if that doesn't work i'll threaten to
>move to another brand" rant that we so often hear on this list.
>go!  we won't hate you. really.
>funny, but the "defectors" made their switch very quietly, iirc,
>telling us pretty much after the fact what they did and why, without a
>lot of histrionics.  otoh, the whiners have been whining for years,
>and they're still here.  hmmmm....
>i say:  be good capitalists and vote with your feet.  pentax (by your
>accounts) seems not to be listening anyway;  maybe they'll listen to
>the bottom line (ie:  lost sales).
>what?  what's that?  the ds is a huge success and seems to be selling
>well and is getting good reviews?  (including a three camera dslr
>shootout in the last american photo magazine, btw).  well what can i
>say.  bottom line is that pentax ain't coming out with a "pro" 35mm
>equivalent dslr in our lifetimes.  if that doesn't suit you, please,
>put us out of our misery.

Hear, hear!

>rant over.
>-frank (only slept 3 hours last night due to throbbing arm and hand,
>so i'm crankier than usual) <g>

I'd been meaning to ask how the injuries were healing. Not fast enough,
I gather?
Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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