At least you've retained your sense of humor.

frank theriault wrote:

On 10/29/05, Mark Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'd been meaning to ask how the injuries were healing. Not fast enough,
I gather?

well, the nerve that runs behind the collarbone out to the arm seems
to be pinched or pressured, so my hand is numb, has shooting pains,
itches, burns, and has very little strength.  the doctor thinks that
all will be okay when the swelling goes down, but if not, i mat
require surgery to relieve pressure on the nerve.  as the doctor said,
"it wouldn't be minor surgery", as that major nerve is buried deep
within the collar/shoulder area.  he thinks surgery won't be called
for, and would certainly would be a last resort, but still, it's a
concern, and the pain is a huge pia.  it's my left hand, and of
course, i'm left-handed.

during the day the pain is mostly tolerable, but at night, it makes it
very difficult to sleep through the night, so i'm feeling constantly
fatigued during the day - and cranky (as you can tell).

these last few weeks, to be honest with you, have been very trying. i've had to relearn (not very successfully in some cases) many mundane
tasks, including the fact that i can't even sign my name right now,
and i can't write (just printing like a 4 year old with my right

at this point it's a waiting game.  i start physio next week, and at
the end of the month i go back to the doc for x-ray and further

it's really not a huge deal, so i don't want to sound like a whiner
(oops, to late for that! <vbg>).  the accident could have produced
much more dire results, and there are certainly those on this list who
have had much more serious health concerns of late.  i wouldn't have
said anything at all, but as you asked...  <g>

thanks for asking, though - i do appreciate the concern.


"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

When you're worried or in doubt, Run in circles, (scream and shout).

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