P. J. Alling wrote:
There are many places in the world where waters are naturally contaminated with Tannins which turn the water the color of tea. The Mississippi isn't polluted because it's muddy...

I'd like to interject a few words about water pollution.
I think of "pollution" as contamination of potable water by whatever makes it NON-drinkable.

My thesaurus says pollution is:

"Made impure, especially by contaminating with man-made waste."

So much dirt (earth, clay, silt, minerals, whatever) is not good for you in any large quantity. Some are harmsul even in very small quantities. And who knows what that dirt holds so far as bacterial contaminants.

I can't speak to the presence of other contaminants like tannins and other water colorants, but I'd suppose any plant acid like that could not be particularly good for a human (or fish, or animal) to drink in any quantity, either.

All of which goes to say that one needs a number of tests to determine potability, not just visual clarity.


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