Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:
On Oct 30, 2005, at 8:01 AM, mike wilson wrote:

I would agree that many of the _problems_ seem to be associated with power supply. But the _failures_, necessitating camera return/repair, seem to be quite high.

My _impression_ (which is what most of us have - if I was really anal about it I would have logged this) is that out of, say, sixty users, there have been about six (at least) return/ repairs. That seems quite high to me. Anyone care to poll on the matter?

I bet there are many more than 60 out here now. The only problem I've had with mine, was down to the nicads finally on their way out. The other thing to note is how many exposures there are taken between problems. I know I've shot way way more with the ist D than with a film camera, and the more I use
it the more impressed I am with it.

I'm talking about 60 people who use and post. My impression is that quite a high proportion of those have had enough trouble to need intervention by either return or repair. It is entirely possible that my impression may be skewed by people posting about their problems when they are not part of the "normal" posting group.

Even if the total number of people on this mailing list had a problem, it would be an insignificant fraction of the total number of cameras in the field. Mailing lists like this self-select for those who are interested users that will find issues with the equipment, and problems are mentioned with much higher incidence than a survey of equipment in the field would ever demonstrate.

You are undoubtedly correct in your second assertion but it does not negate the possibility that there is a quite high failure rate with the DSLR series. We only know the ones who post here and I have already stated that these may be users who find the faults due to more, and more extensive, use of the equipment. I am only concerned with those who have had to return the units, not those who have had problems rectified by, for example, change of power supply. It seems to me (and I repeat that this is entirely subjective) that quite a large proportion of listers have had to return their cameras. Unlike, for example, the generic film transport problems that ran through the MZ series, there does not seem to be an obvious, underlying, base problem with the DSLRs.


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