1) The instant review *is* representative of the data you captured ... the JPEG processing is consistent and shifts from what the RAW file is by a consistent amount, so you can use it as a guide to what your actual exposure is. The hotspot blinkies are, to me, the most telling and useful exposure control warning. Histogram is also useful, just not quite as much so.

2) Instant review, set to 3-5 seconds, allows you to see any glaring and obvious faults in the composition ... like people's eye's closed during exposure, etc.

3) Playback review allows you to determine sharpness without leaving the site so you can re-shoot if needed.

Providing information regards the use of the camera's controls is the function of the instruction booklet. Informing the public as to how those controls perform, as well as how the camera performs, is the function of a review. Neither is intended to tell you how to use those controls and feedback mechanisms to best intent.

In answer to your second question:
Stay tuned for my best selling book,
  "Digital Photography Using the Pentax *ist DS, a Compleat Guide"

I'm only about half joking...


On Oct 30, 2005, at 10:37 AM, Shel Belinkoff wrote:

OK, help me out here. If the reviewable results are not representative of the actual captured image - showing a JPEG image and a JPEG histogram when shooting RAW - how does the instant review help the photographer. Until such time as it was clearly explained to me how the review and histogram worked, I could not get decent exposures with the istDS. As a participant in this group, it was relatively easy for me to get the information - and
even then it took a while, so my learning curve was slowed, and my
frustration index was a lot higher than it needed to be. However, most photographers don't participate in groups such as this one. How does the photographer who doesn't have access to this information improve his or her photography by relying on what may be considered misinformation without someone explaining the situation, or without reading it somewhere. I've ~never~ seen this mentioned in any review that I can recall reading, and it
doesn't appear to be in the camera manual either.

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