Gee Tom that's really kind & thoughtful. I thought I'd have to pay someone to 
come and haul it away, you know like last weeks garbage.

Kenneth Waller
(who will give away his Pentax eqipment to anyone who will pry it from his cold 
grey dead hands) 

-----Original Message-----
Subject: Re: Nirvana!

> > Sorry, but what this really means is Pentax is doomed.
> I hear you loud and clear Mark.
> Do you know where I can unload my Pentax gear?
> Kenneth Waller


I'm really sorry to tell you this. You waited too long. Your stuss is all 
worthless now but I'll do something really foolish and give you a couple 
hundred bucks for your 600/4. Please don't tell anyone I'm doing this. It's a 
special favor.

Your bud,


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