Shel, it sounds to me like you think they are "good" -- she thinks they are 
"bad."  And that you think if you show them to others they will think they are 
good. Ergo, she will change her mind and then think they are good too.

But I wouldn't count on it. 

For instance, personally, I rarely like photos taken off myself. Hardly ever. 
The ones I remember actually liking were taken a long time by my current 
boyfriend at the time. I felt he took flattering photos of me, capturing my 
features and not getting my unflattering features or taking me in unflattering 
poses. But he knew me very, very well. So when I look back and realize they 
are about the only photos I have ever really liked of myself, I realize it was 
exactly because he knew me so well that they were "good." His knowledge of me 
led him to photograph me the way I see myself. He saw me the way I see me. And 
he also saw me in a flattering or affectionate light.

So don't count on a woman liking any photos of herself (unless she is 
undoubtedly pretty, but not necessarily even then). And certainly don't count 
on a 
woman changing her mind. We do sometimes, but other times we never will.

So what's more important, proving they are "good" or retaining her friendship?

Especially if she will see them and/or know you shared them. That would 
probably totally tear it. Your friendship, I mean.

It doesn't mean they aren't "good." It does mean she really, really doesn't 
like them (or doesn't like the one which I can guarantee means she wouldn't 
like the others either).

No, I don't really know why you want to publish them. So don't jump on me for 
presuming, please. Maybe not to prove they are good, maybe because you like 
them and want them "out there." But you also have plenty of other "good" 
pictures. More than most do. :-) A lot more. So your "inventory" doesn't really 
suffer by their lack.

Anyway, I was going to lurk now that I am back on list. So I will. And, yes, 
this time I really will. 

Thanks very much for your off-list comment on my PUG picture. (BTW, sort of 
on topic, I got Mom's permission to show it. Of course, she forgot twenty 
minutes later, but I did ask. :-))

HTH, Marnie  In other words, if it was me, I'd let it go. 

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