I've owned and used a number of screwmount cameras. While I liked the Fuji 801 very much, I found it a bit fragile. I broke the advance mechanism on two of them. One got ten years of use or so and probably about 3000 rolls of film. That's all one can expect. The second one lasted only a couple of months. My all time favorite is the Spotmatic F. The meter isn't as advanced as the Fuji, but the camera feels better in terms of workmanship. And it seems to be very tough. Of course it will give you open aperture metering with all those wonderful SMC Tak lenses. That's a very good thing.
On Nov 2, 2005, at 11:08 PM, Andre Langevin wrote:

I kept my feet in the film camera area... but yes, why not?


Canon 1DSmkII with a mount adapter?
How about a 5D?


On 11/2/05, Andre Langevin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 Spotmatic F

Second choice: Fujica 705 & 801 (brighter finder and silicium meter).

But way ahead is... Canon T90 used with SMC Takumar lenses, each with
 the proper Canon adapter.  Multi-spot metering, flash spot metering,
 8 images per second, etc...

 > Andre

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