There was no damage to the bus. She hit its wheel, and you would never know it looking at the bus.

Kenneth Waller wrote:
I still don't see any image of damage to the bus. Seems that would be a shot 
sure to be taken.

Kenneth Waller

-----Original Message-----
From: Kenneth Waller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: PESO: The scene of an accident.

OOPs, I commented thinking there was only one image posted! Duh

Kenneth Waller

-----Original Message-----
From: David Oswald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: PESO: The scene of an accident.

Los Angeles introduced a new bus line on the 29th of October. It is a rapid line that runs on a road all its own called "Busway", thorough the middle of the San Fernando Valley, connecting Woodland Hills / Warner Center with the Metrolink subway system starting in North Hollywood. The busyway has synchronized traffic lights that keep the bus moving all the time. This means that as the busline road crosses major streets, traffic stops on those surface roads.

I rode the Orange Line today as a novelty, to see how the experience was going to be. My wife came with me. We had been on the bus for less than two minutes, when suddenly it was struck by a fast moving car that ran its red light. The car broadsided the bus. The car was seriously damaged, and driver taken to the hospital in critical condition (she was later upgraded to stable).

We were then put through a triage routine by the first responders to determine who (if anyone) was injured. Mostly any injuries were just people pretending to be injured, thinking their gravy train had come in. Despicable really. Anyway, it held us all up by about 90 minutes. Fortunately I had my camera.

Taken with the *ist-DS, and the DA16-45 lens....

Warning: It's about 4.5 megabytes of photos that will load.

I posted the pictures quickly because a woman riding on the bus with us is married to a reporter. Quickly he was on the cell with me requesting any of the pictures I took. ...I had to remove the ones where my wife was posing, smiling next to the firefighters. It seemed a little inappropriate after the fact. ;)


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