From: "Fred" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
That makes me wonder about the cold temperature performance of my NiMH's.
believe that Lithiums offer "almost-as-good-as-room-temp" performance when
they're chilled, while many others work much more inefficiently when
chilled. (I'm thinking of my own alkaline-vs-Li comparisons in LX's in
cold.) Does anyone know how NiMH's are ~supposed~ to perform in the cold?
They are supposed to perform pretty good. Better than NiCd or Alkaline and
comparable to Li I believe.
NiMh are the popular choice for mountaineering use (head torches in the cold
at altitude) and work well although for extreme situations a battery pack
you can keep warm is better. I use NiMh for this purpose as I won't
tolerate a non rechargeable battery for reliability reasons. If I charge
the batteries before use I pretty well know how long they will last, I just
don't have that confidence in disposables that have been on a shelf, stored
in conditions I don't know and probably partly used on another occasion.
There again in this application it's my life that is potentialy at stake -
not just whether I can take another few pictures or not.