On Nov 4, 2005, at 5:06 PM, William Robb wrote:
All three of my LX do this. I've gotten into the habit of exercising both the ISO dial and the aperture follower on a regular basis.
I've been doing this with the ISO dial, but not regularly enough it seems. I usually only bother when I see the light meter go bonkers. It won't help that I had some 400 film* in it, for probably the first time ever.
OTOH I have been thinking about buying a DSLR, but that means getting my head around all the different ist-D variants and figuring out why I don't want any of them.
* The film in question was a roll of long-expired Sensia which I was intending to have cross-processed, until I stupidly started taking "good" photos with it. Age had not treated it well (it'd been stored at room temperature) - the colours were noticeably shifted and it seems to have lost sensitivity. I have two more rolls and I'm definitely crossing those to see what happens.
- Dave