On 4/11/05, Frantisek, discombobulated, unleashed:

>   it seems my work (photographic!) doesn't leave me too much time to
>   read, and better, respond to PDML mail. Therefore I will be
>   unsubscribing shortly. I have hanged around just becuase of you
>   guys (you know who you are), owning almost no pentax camera these
>   days :( I hope to keep in touch with friends from here via private
>   mail, and if there is anything really interesting going on
>   (perhaps another improper photography/philosophy/monty
>   python/blunkett thread <g>), please enlighten me and send me an
>   announcement via e-mail. As I have been pursuing photojournalism
>   almsot exclusively for some long time, the list wasn't so interesting to
>   me photographically (although the flowers and cats were less
>   frequent <g>), but it was a great social place to hang
>   around, like a nice pub or cafe. And I hope to see you again some
>   day... I would like to continue to see PAWs of some people (again,
>   you probably know who you are), some of them were inspiring,
>   really! I will fade out over few days, not responding much so don't
>   expect any flaming from me over OT issues... but it was nice to
>   talk about them, surprisingly even intelligently even though our
>   opinions differed a lot with some list members. Good luck, and good
>   light! And don't loose faith in Pentax - after all, it's just a
>   brand, faith should be in higher thinks than just a stupid brand
>   be it Pentax or Canon or Nikon or whatever... BTW, if anybody is goind
>   trough or near Prague or Czech republic, drop me a line. It's
>   entertaining to meet the people from here.

Yo Fra,

Stay ahead of the crowd mate. Don't shoot til you see the whites of their
eyes. Publish and be damned! Good luck with the work. Post me a URL now
and again of the ones that make it to print.



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