John Edwin M. wrote:

> Let's not even get into what's available to the pros
> from Nikon's and Canon's Professional Services.

Very true. When Canon set out to win over professionals, it was at least as
much a bettle between CPS and NPS as it had anything to do with the cameras.
A minor additional point is that besides rental availability, registered CPS
and NPS pros get priority turnaround on service. It's worth a lot to a pro
to be able to get a broken camera fixed in two days as opposed to having to
wait two weeks.

John P. wrote:

> One thing that  puzzles me about a lot of pros (and is common although more
> understandable in wannabes) is that they are pretty gullible in terms of
> their equipment selection.  They tend to buy things on the basis of splashy
> and sometimes deceitful advertising campaigns rather than real world results
> and value for money.  I suspect that many are still at least partly amateurs
> at heart and find the shiny big-name toys irresistable. Being well-trained
> consumers, they also don't have the gumption to take a step back and look at
> what they are really getting.

I can also attest that for many studio pros, it's a question of what their
most immediate clients, usually in the form of a species of quasi-hominid
bipeds called AD's (art directors), expect them to be using. Many AD's a
decade ago (i.e., when I was last involved in that world) expected to see
Nikon and Hasselblad. Those were more or less the only brands a lot of them
knew. If you shot Pentax and Rolleiflex, or any other offbeat combination,
you'd have a lot of explaining to do on a regular basis (and a lot of

In those days, using Mamiya was a dead giveaway that you were a
wedding/portrait guy who had to deal with the public a lot, and using
Bronica was tantamount to admitting that your studio wasn't very prosperous.


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