On 11/8/05, David Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After all this talk of unappetising food, here's a photo of the lunch I
> ate yesterday. I made it, thought it looked pretty good, so took a snap
> of it. Bon appétit.
> http://davidavid.whatsbeef.net/pizza.jpg
> *ist D, FA50 macro, 1/90 f/2.8, ISO 800
> Comments appreciated.

Now that's what I'm talking about!  Love pizza (best I've ever had is
Stromboli's, 1/2 a block from Annsan's).

I generally like the pic, but a bit more dof to get the whole pie in
focus would be preferred (yes, I see the irony... <LOL>).

frank, who can now type a bit with two hands (hence the caps), but it
hurts my middle finger A LOT after a couple of minutes
"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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