Thanks, Tom, for doing that gallery.

My fave is Eleanor's, too, like it was said already. It just works. The skin colours, the bracelets, and demonstrating: we are doing this together ...

Reminder: deadline for december PUG is coming ...
Theme: "Celebration"

Best, Bernd

(Shush! A black 31limited is on the way to me. Maybe I am getting one of the last ones that are sold. Ordered it on 27. Sept.. I am quite curious .... Have to sell some other equipment, though, at least to justify it morally. The priciest lens I have ever bought so far. Phew! - Like my wife says: why do you want another amplifier for the hifi-unit - there is music coming out of the old one, isn't it? But maybe I would like a valve amp for the horn speakers ... anyone who has assembled one himself and can give hints?)

----original message----
Autumn 2005 Synchronicity Gallery
Tom C
Thu, 10 Nov 2005 14:19:05 -0800
A bit asynchronously....
Please let me know if anything's not working.
Tom C.

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