On 11 Nov 2005 at 19:50, Herb Chong wrote:

> as others have pointed out, it's parallax error that is causing the problem.
> some stitching programs are more sensitive to it than others. PhotoVista 
> ignores
> it fairly well in the way it blends. i basically never compensate for it. 
> other
> people using other tools sometimes have to be fanatical about it, getting to
> within 1 or 2mm of the nodal point or else see strange artifacts. that's one
> reason i never use the Panorama Tools-derived products. all of the ones i have
> tried are extremely sensitive because they don't have good blending 
> algorithms.

You can always utilize a blending plug-in such as enblend, it is a very 
impressive tool and will transparently mask fairly gross parallax errors though 
it always works best with image sets free of parallax errors.


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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