The copy I had was very good on film, it died about the time I acquired the *ist-D.

Don Sanderson wrote:

Howdy All!

Between 2 jobs, a new boss and a gazillion other things I haven't
had much time for photography or the PDML lately.
As a matter of fact I'm _still_ working on getting the Pentax
Survey results together. ;-(
Things seem to be getting back to their normal level of chaos
so I should have a little more time to hang out with you folks.

I did manage to aquire a new FA 28-70/4 AL and finally got to
take a few test shots with the ist-D.
It's a KEH "Like New-" and is a beautiful piece.
I must say however that I am VERY disappointed with it's wide
open performance on the digital!
At f/4, from 50-70mm results are very soft and contrast is poor.
At 28-50mm results are unusable before f/5.6-8.
The lens looks perfect, no fog, haze or seperation. Everthing
is tight, mechanics seem sound.

Has anyone else tried this lens on the D series?
How were your results at large apertures?


BTW: I've seen some beautiful PAWs and PESOs lately,
sorry I haven't had time to comment on them.

When you're worried or in doubt, Run in circles, (scream and shout).

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