----- Original Message ----- From: "Jostein"
Subject: Re: xESO: Weekend shooting

Honestly... Is the use of abbreviations just for the convenience of those who love to set up filters? -And how many are they, really? For all I know, they
may be a loud-speaking minority.

At some point, someone's going to argue that the use of filters is not the
sender's problem.

Personally, I'm fairly close to that. But then again, I tend to dislike both
filters and TLAs...:-)

Some people like to compartmentalize the 100-200 emails this list generates into what interests them and what doesn't, for the sake of convenience, and I am sure, to save some time for things they find more important.
To me, it is a respect for our fellow members issue.
While the recipients filters is not the senders problem, that the sender is causing the recipient a problem is the senders problem.

William Robb

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