Sorta kidding alert!! Did you try, somehow, hiding one arm to match the
one leg look?
Thanks for allowing my presumptuous suggestions.


--- Bob Shell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Nov 17, 2005, at 11:42 AM, Jack Davis wrote:
> > Did you try something like pulling her bare feet a bit forward out
> of
> > the shadows (I like the shadowy background), resting them sort of
> on
> > their side (left foot partially behind the right) with a slight
> > tension-free arch and toes gently pointed?
> We tried a lot of different foot positions.  I made about 100 shots  
> in about an hour.  I'll try some more barefoot stuff when I work with
> her again.  Feet are always tough to pose.  My friend Nigel Holmes  
> says he often wishes models didn't have feet.  Maybe you'll like this
> old barefoot shot from 1994.  (Nudity warning!):
> > "Funny" would not have been my reaction to her request to get
> naked!
> Nor mine, but I was considering using some of the shots in magazine  
> articles, and photo magazines in the USA are afraid to publish  
> nudes.  So I ignored her pleas and made her keep her clothes on for  
> the whole shoot!
> Bob

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