My partner is a system adminstrator for a major corporation in this area. The last shipment of fairly highly touted but "consumer grade" CRTs for his company proved to be a disaster: the monitors were so bad that he and the engineers who use them were experiencing headaches and seriously wondering if they needed new eyeglasses. They were bad enough that he went out and bought (out of his own pocket) a cheap, used 15" flat panel screen for his own use at the office so that he could work without a headache...

Six months later, the company acted on the many complaints and en masse replaced all the CRTs with LCD displays. Not a single complaint has surfaced since regarding monitor display quality.

I'd strongly recommend any current 15-17" flat panel display over any comparably priced CRT today. You get more viewable area, better stability, better color rendering, and the current generation of inexpensive CRTs have become garbage. You can buy high-quality, good condition, used 17" LCD flat panel displays for $300-500.


On Nov 19, 2005, at 10:56 AM, Mat Maessen wrote:

My experience with LCD's right now is that the ones that really are
decent, and good enough for image processing work, are still
expensive. I am probably going to stick with my 21" CRT (Mitsubishi
DiamondScan) for a while longer.

CRT monitors are available used, in fact, I've seen decent 19-20"
trinitron screens going for $100 or so. It's a matter of looking
around, and trying out a monitor before you buy it.

Something like p=ItemDetail&item=MON10136
might work nicely, if you have the space for such a behemoth, and
don't mind paying shipping (or driving? Are you in California?).


I have a HP Pavilion, with a 17" quite decent monitor (actually I am not sure it's a 15", but not quite sure how to measure it). Only I've had both for about, hmmm, four years. I've been told/read the HP monitors are actually

I've been quite happy with the monitor. Only now the horizontal hold is going. Actually, not sure what it is called. It's not exactly vertical hold, but sometimes boxes coming up on the screen (dialog box type of things), the right side of the box it is not always straight. It curves in and out a bit. I keep adjusting the horizontal stretch part of my monitor and that straightens it up
for a bit.

But it means it is going to get worse. No point in having it fixed, since some monitors are really cheap now. Only I was looking on the Net and LCDs are
selling better.

Personally, for extended use, not just doing photography, but programming, using word processing/spread sheets, I prefer a CRT. It seems much easier on my
eyes. LCDs, to my eyes, don't have enough "depth."

And a lot of LCDs are expensive. The ones that may be easier on the eyes are,

This CRT at Circuit City seems okay. 126673/catOid/-1

But I also want to get something decent for processing digital photographs. It would probably be fine, because my current HP monitor is fine. And I use my monitor for a lot more than processing photographs, photography probably works
out to only 10-20% of my use. Or less.

Just wondering if anyone has that particular model, or has some other

Also looks like if I want a CRT I better move quick, because they seem to be

Marnie aka Doe

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