On 11/23/05, Boris Liberman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Frank, what if G-d forbid Robert quits. Further, say his replacement
> is not as good as Robert was. In fact so much not as good as to make
> it impossible for you to deal with this lab.

Well, Robert won't be around forever, that's for sure.  Luckily, here
in Toronto there are at least two other labs that specialize in black
and white wet process developing and printing for pros.  One of them
is called Toronto Black and White, and they've been around for years. 
I hear they do a very good ("professional quality") job.  It's not a
sole proprietorship as my guy Robert is (his business is called B&W
Labs), so it's not like someone from Toronto Black and White will
retire and shut the place down.

>From what I hear, they (Toronto Black and White) is still quite busy. 
Lots of the smaller labs, or those who didn't specialize in b&w, have
shut down or stopped doing black and white, so I guess the few
remaining labs have picked up those customers.

If I run out of labs, I can get into digital fast enough, I guess. 
It's not like I have to make the move now, or get caught flat-footed
without product to buy in the future.  On the contrary, by waiting,
I'm likely going to have better/cheaper options when I am forced to go
digital (note, I said "when", not "if"...).

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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