The *ist D has been connected to the 6V
12 AH battery since about the 28th
October -- I think. Today the battery
indicator showed empty and battery reads
4.4 volts. The battery was used in its
original state of charge from the supplier.

I often leave the camera on and since
it's set to 3 minutes before off it uses
some of the battery capacity whilst I'm
messing about downstairs. I think I may
have taken about 900 - 1000 exposures by
now since I have about good images on CDs.

The battery will be charged by the
morning. I'll put it back and make a
note on my calender this time. By the
way the NiCd batteries I found in a
drawer  are working are fine -- after
a thorough 'La Crosse-ing' -- but are
reserved for the flashes.

Dr E D F Williams
See feature: The Cement Company from Hell
Updated: Print Gallery    --   16 11 2005

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