> And the digi-heads put down wet 
users. Why is it alright for 
> them to do that but not all right the other way around. Turn about is 
> fair play.
> graywolf
> http://www.graywolfphoto.com
> "Idiot Proof" <==> "Expert Proof"

Not me. I probably will take the darkroom class one more time this winter, just 
cause its
such a hassle 
setting up in the bathroom.
I do like to play with digital colour to B&W, but at this point i do a better 
job in the
darkroom.<g>Which is 
not saying much.
I'll prove it with my portfolio next June.
You'll have a good laugh at least.:-)
But i do like getting into the darkroom and playing around with ideas and sepia 

Its fun to live in the stone age.LOL


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