At 05:07 PM 11/25/2005, William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "DagT"
Subject: Re: My first PESO

Well, this is also an international list, so if such things bother you then don´t look at PESO´s or PAW´s at work.

Nudity isn´t very controversial around here, so I don´t like the US puritan rules being spread to the rest of us .-)

As you point out, this is an international list. Perhaps if you are going to be on it, you should learn to repect the wishes of people who are living in cultures with different rules than your own.

William Robb

Perhaps the best solution is to simply mention that a link leads to an image with nudity? That lets the list member make an informed decision to view or not view. I wouldn't call that censorship, just courtesy. For what it's worth, I have no problem with images of nudes, whether announced or not, but I know that some other people do.

As for not wanting to get in trouble at work, why are you reading a recreational mailing list anyway, when you could actually be working on something more productive? :)

take care,

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