Filters don't know nothin' but they block everything. I remember a rumor from about 5 years ago that Jpegs could carry viruses, (no explanation of how they could operate or spread), the administrators of the CSC wan decided to block all Jpegs from being downloaded system wide. It crippled web use including our own internal web sites... (They used the same warning
message that "inappropriate" web sites displayed, it was "fun").

Markus Maurer wrote:

Hi Paul
Maybe the "filter" at Kodak knows exactly when showing nudity becomes art?
On the other side it blocks Bob's site ;-)


I don't know what turns an artful nude into a sex object.
Props? A smile? The display of specific areas of the body?
On Nov 26, 2005, at 8:08 AM, Bob Shell wrote:

On Nov 26, 2005, at 12:36 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OTOH, objectifying women does annoy me.
You know, I hear this comment a lot, and I just don't understand it. The main definition of objectify is "exteriorize: make external or objective, or give reality to; "language externalizes our thoughts"". Bob

When you're worried or in doubt, Run in circles, (scream and shout).

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