Hi Peter,

It's so much more than a cloud shot, Peter.  Almost, but not quite, lost in
the shadows at the bottom of the pic, partly obscured by Ann's bold
copyright notice, is a highway scene, with a couple of big rigs barreling
along into the sunset.

The photo shows that even man's mighty and powerful machines pale in
comparison to the beauty and grandeur of nature, that horsepower is no
match for the heavens, and that the asphalt and concrete ribbons of
roadway, linking the cities and towns of this great and glorious nation,
are little more than a parenthesis for the majesty of the mountains,
plains, and forests that are the true strength and wealth of this great

One must sometimes look long and deep to fully appreciate some of Ann's

"You meet the nicest people with a Pentax" 

> [Original Message]
> From: P. J. Alling 

> I haven't commented because it's a cloud shot.  Either you love them or 
> hate them, but there's not much you can really say about them.
> frank theriault wrote:


> >Why has no one else commented on this one?  I love it!

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