On Nov 29, 2005, at 4:34 AM, Peter Lacus wrote:


Amazing how the entire emotional impact has shifted, just by [what did you call it?] manipulating the "blackpoint?"

hehe, I think I was cheating this time but I'm glad you liked it... :-)

IMHO Godfrey with "blackpoint is off" meant that gray scale of the former (color) picture is not neutral but is biased towards green tint - you need properly calibrated display to see it. Anyhow I wanted to present black&white version of this picture and this was good excuse to do it. :-)

That's not what I meant at all. In both your B&W and color renderings of this photo, the low-end values in the foreground are all compressed together and there is no solid "black", making for a muddy rendering with poor separation of tonal values in the foreground. Adjusting the blackpoint and tweaking the rendering curve solves this issue to a great degree; perhaps the nomenclature I used was not adequate.

A Curves adjustment applied with masking to leave the sky values alone improves both. This is a very crude rendering attempt (my laptop is NOT the best computer for this sort of work... ;-) that will give you an idea of what I meant. The curves adjustment used is shown at the bottom of the composite.



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