On Nov 29, 2005, at 11:56, Boris Liberman wrote:


There has been some discussion of the Zenitar 16mm fisheye so I thought I
would put up a few shots take with the ZX-5n.
It is much easier to use this lens on the DS with the 1.5 crop. It is
really wide and bendy on full frame!

I missed the original message, sorry. I like the 3rd image best, just due to the severe distortion!

IMO, the "bendiness" of the images makes the Zenitar a lot more "fun" on a full-frame camera than it is on the DS. I find the Zenitar to be a little boring when it's on my DS, which is a shame. :-(

If I may share my own enjoyment of the way the Zenitar behaves on an older camera, I have an image here from way back in 1997 that was done by simply holding the camera (ME Super) up over my head. You can just see me in the bottom of the frame.


Notice anything unusual about the crowd?


Charles Robinson
Minneapolis, MN

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